Tatum Kay

Tatum here! My mom is a blogger and i enjoy it myself... Follow me!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Easter Sunday... Easter Funday!

                                So this easter we went down to Mesquite to stay in my grandmas little trailor up there! It was so fun! As it is every year! And I am so glad that I got the chance to see my wonderful family!! I love them so so so so much! Alot.. even when they are being complete brats... alot!! 

I took a lot of mirror pics! As a proper 11 year old girl should. And even though this one didnt turn out my mother decided to post it as my pic of the week. sometimes i wonder about that woman!  I love being in Cedar at my grandmas house cause for some reason i feel VERY at home there!!

KennaLee please dont kill me for posting this but i love this picture so dang much!! After the hunt and the lunch and the baskets and stuff this is what our day consisted of. Me begging KennaLee to go hot tubbing with me. After being rejected many times i thought i would guilt her into it. So i put on my swimsuit and told her that i was gonna leave her. And that didnt please her. "What if those kids from across the street come and want to hang out with me?".... HAHAHA! Love you KennaLee

The littles had an okay time too! Jack ( though confused by it ) enjoyed how much candy he was aloud to eat. He was very thrilled by this idea!
And StennaRoo was showing off her sweet hello kitty shades to all those infant hottys!

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